Free SEO Analysis and Report
On-page performance factors of your website that influence SEO.
See how well your SEO is performing with our free, on-page SEO test.
Caution! What you’re about to use is a powerful SEO tool. It will unearth many new opportunities to improve your SEO, as well as expose errors on your site. What this tool does, in essence, is provide an overview of the technical performance of your site in regards to SEO.
Here’s what’s included:
Domain Characteristics
Backlinks, domain authority, and other important domain metrics.
Page Title and Meta Description Analysis
Everything you’re doing right (or wrong) in key SEO metadata areas.
URL Structure Analysis
Scanning for keywords in the URL (good SEO juju), duplicate urls (bad SEO juju).
The test scans to make sure your page is indexed in major search engines.
Image Analysis
Scan of your file name and alternative text to make sure you’ve optimized your images (yes, images can be optimized for SEO!).
Content Analysis
Word length, uniqueness, and keyword density.
Header Tag Analysis
Whether you’ve used H1-H6 tags properly for your headings.
Keyword Analysis
How many times your content repeats certain words and phrases.
Outbound Link Analysis
How many times you link out to other online resources.
Internal Link Analysis
How often you link to pages and resources within your own site.
Page Load Speed and Suggestions
How fast your site loads on mobile and desktop, with suggestions for how to improve both.
Usability and Technical Analysis
Checks to see if your site loads properly over Https, whether you have a valid favicon, and other useful technical scans.
The .pdf report that you’ll get will be helpful, but it is far from everything. Even if you scored 100% on this SEO test, your site may still underperform in SEO.
In addition to having your site set up correctly from a technical perspective, you need to have amazing content. Content that people want to read, view, or listen to.
We’re content marketers and we’re here to help you with your content and SEO. Get in touch with us and we’ll really get your SEO humming!